Read Across America Month

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

Over the years I’ve worn the “Cat In The Hat” costume, especially during the month of March, to celebrate “Reading Across America.”

During my presentations in schools, I not only addressed the literary talents of the creative thinker that Dr. Seuss was, but I have also substituted language that I’ve found to be unacceptable. 

Some educators and parents have totally eliminated reading literary selections written by Dr. Seuss. As a result, on many occasions, for some children, I’m the initial introduction to the author. 

Recently, six of Dr. Seuss’s books were discontinued and removed from production. Dr. Seuss’s step-daughter did not agree that the literary selections should have been pulled, saying, “This was language utilized a long time ago, so I don’t understand the issue.”

What Dr. Seuss’ daughter failed to acknowledge was that the literary pieces are still being read in present day. 

This newest generation has faced many challenges beyond their chronological years. There’s absolutely no reason that children should have literary pieces read to them that show racial stereotypes and racially insensitive photos and language. 

Eliminating the specific titles from the literary work of Dr. Seuss doesn’t totally rectify the racism concerns. Are there plans for #CriticalandCourageousConversations? 


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